Digital Literacy – THATCamp QueensU 2013 The Humanities and Technology Camp Mon, 11 Feb 2013 23:10:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Web-publishing Tools, Collaboration, Skills Development, and Project Management Tue, 05 Feb 2013 16:42:55 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

I would like to propose a session on some of the open-source, web-based, web-publishing tools available that bridge cultural, scholarly, library and museum worlds, such as the open source platforms, Omeka, and Mukurtu. My own interest in this session is to situate myself as a beginner technology user who would like to play and talk with other people about their interest/experiences with these tools. As a literary researcher and student archivist working with the personal papers of Zimbabwean author Yvonne Vera, I am interested in utilizing these tools to create an online resource for scholars interested where I hope to publish her archival finding aid, publicize an upcoming conference on her works, plan for collaborative digitization projects, and create a digital scholarly edition of her unpublished manuscript. Relevant discussion topics may include collaboration and project management, crowdsourcing, digital communities and cultural heritage, archives and collections, digital scholarly editions and research methods. I am hoping that this session offers a nice compliment to Heather Home and Jeremy Heil’s session on the role of Archives in DH projects.

Session Proposal: La machine à tweets Sun, 03 Feb 2013 19:50:28 +0000 Continue reading ]]>

“…whenever computer mediated communications technology becomes available to people anywhere, they inevitably build virtual communities with it” -Howard Rheingold

Social media is everywhere in 2013. More and more people are carrying around mobile platforms, tools which are giving them the means to stay in constant contact with ever-broader networks. The implications of contact between new collaborative media (such as Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter) and traditional one-to-many media (such as radio, newspapers, and network TV) are only beginning to come to light, and so they make for an interesting object of research for humanities researchers. Specifically, the impact of new media on the established social discourse surrounding the political, journalistic, artistic, and academic fields is an intersection worth exploring as we look for new ways to share our research.

In this proposed Play/Talk session, participants are invited to help create a machine à tweets : a social network constructed collaboratively from paper, pushpins, pens, pictures, and strings. In addition to their joint creation of a unique visual object, which will incorporate text, colour, and space, participants will be invited to engage in a moderated discussion, identifying similarities and differences between on- and off-line social networks, and considering what these comparisons and contrasts can tell us about the on- an off-line media environments we are a part of.

Marc Rowley is a graduate researcher and MA candidate in Littératures francophones et résonances médiatiques, whose thesis research explores resonances between the social critique function of the 20th century comic novel and that of 21st century tweets.
